Thursday, October 31, 2013

Almost Depressed

I read an article this week on being "Almost Depressed" and I think that every ordinary woman can relate to these feelings (even though they show a man, of course, in the accompanying photo).

What keeps us from being totally depressed (most of the time) is the fact that we've always got something to do.  There are few moments of down time. . .until . . .the kids have been taken care of for the day, dinner has been served and dishes have been done, and the evening is winding down.  It's quiet . . and we begin to be alone with our thoughts.

For me, the evenings aren't nearly as bad as the middle of the night.  That's the time I wake up, can't go back to sleep . . and cannot stop thinking.  I worry incessantly over the "things that NEED to be done" . . but when it's morning, I'm pursuing all of those "urgent" (even if not important things) . . and I don't ever get done what I NEED to do.

Now . . more than likely only a woman can understand what I'm talking about here.  The word NEED.  I need to take care of myself (even though I don't really know how).  I NEED to clean my closet, both the real one and the mental one (butt I don't really want to sort and fold and hang all those old things).  I NEED to plan something positive for myself each day, each week, each month (and then really do it).

And most of all . . I NEED others. . . real friends, true friends .. those who love me unconditionally.  And I NEED to be able to hear it, see it, and be able to wrap it around myself when I am feeling "almost depressed".

I'm here . . and I'm listening if you feel the same way. . . 

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