Saturday, May 26, 2012


I am an angry woman.  I'd never tell that to anyone.  Really.  How embarrassing.  I pretend that I'm flexible, that whatever happens will be okay.  But many times, it's not.  Really.

Yesterday my husband said he was going to go golfing after work.  I said sure, no problem.  (At least he asked.)  But I was pretending.  I had planned to fix a nice dinner and spend some time together.  I changed my plans.  And it wasn't a problem.  Really.  But I was still mad.  And then I was mad at myself.

I have spent my whole life trying to convince myself that the world is fair, I just need to adjust my attitude.  I've smiled, I've nodded, I've bitten my tongue so I wouldn't say the wrong thing. But I've been pretending.  Really.